Show us your Talent
About Jitsvinger Jitsvinger is Afrikaaps (Afrikaans with a local Cape Town dialect) vernacular performer who combines Hip Hop, poetry, self-composed music, theatre and storytelling. Jitsvinger is an established Cape Flats-born conceptual writer, composer, guitarist, educator, musician, poet and performing artist. After the success of his debut album, Skeletsleutel, Jitsvinger has collaborated with classical musicians, jazz nominees, pioneers and legends, and has performed on stages and in...
Read MoreAdam Small Festival 21 – 23 February 2020
The historical town of Pniël is hosting it’s 4th Adam Small Literary Festival this weekend. Please come and join us. See the PROGRAM. Contact for more info: Pniël Museum: 021 885 2345 (10.00 – 14.00) Matthew Cyster: 083 324 7691 Janine Myburgh: 072 245 1415
Vrydag 22 tot Sondag 24 Februarie
Die fees skop hierdie jaar af met ‘n Skoleprogram op Vrydag 22 Februarie geborg deur Die span van gaan as deel van hul muurprojek 2 mure in die vallei verf: by Kylemore Senior Sekondêre Skool en by Petite Pre-primêre skool in Pniël. bied dan ook as deel van hul Skoleprogram ‘n huldeblyk aan Adam Small met Klein Nederburg Sekondêr & Hemelbesem as gaskunstenaar.
Read MoreHerdenking van vrylating van slawe, 1 Desember te Pniёl.
PNIEL MUSEUM IN SAMEWERKING MET STELLENBOSCH MUSEUM Nooi u hartlik uit na ʼn gesprek oor: “ Die rol en lot van slawe in Suid-Afrika – met spesiale vermelding na Pniël en omgewing”… GESPREKLEIER: Michael Janse van Rensburg met: Dr Hans Heese, ‘n boorling van die Klein Karoo wat op Stellenbosch studeer het voordat hy in Malawi en Namibië onderwys gegee het. Dr Francois Verster, ‘n oud-onderwyser wat daarna by die Staatsargief in Kaapstad gewerk het en sedert 2007 Media24 se historikus en...
Read MorePniel Museum Photo Competition
We are happy to announce that we are hosting a youth photo competition. The Images entered will be used at a photography exhibition on 16 June where a winner will be chosen and announced. Entry is free and all up to the age of 21 years can enter. Images has to be of the Dwarsriver valley; the people or the place. Email your image to together with your name, age, contact details and why you took the photo or what it means to you. For more information, do not hesitate to...
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